Thiruvananthapuram: Allotments as per the quotas for community registered trusts are on in self-financing engineering and architecture colleges in Kerala. These allotments as per the contract between the government and the self-financing institutions.

The Commissioner of Entrance Examinations would conduct a centralised allotment from the rank list to the specific percentage of community registered trust quota seats and 50% of seats that have been allotted to the wards of the employees of Department of Cooperation. These will be valid for courses offered at the engineering colleges that have entered into a cost-sharing scheme with the government under the Co– operative Academy of Professional Education.


Those who wish to seek admission in community registered trust quota seats should choose the college by clicking the link ‘KEAM 2022 Candidate Portal’ on the website

The candidates should then click the ‘Community Quota Proforma’ in the home page to choose the colleges.


The printed copy of the proforma should be signed and submitted along with the required documents at the respective colleges before 4 pm on 27 September. Meanwhile, those who seek admission to seats in colleges sharing cost with government should upload the certificate of eligibility in specific proforma before 4 pm on 27 September.

Visit the website for details.  

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