Note these tips to ensure that prawns are fresh and tasty

Government will provide finance for shrimp farming and marketing. Photo: Biswa1992/iStock

Prawns are one of the most loved seafood that could be cooked in various ways. From stir-fried prawns and crispy fried prawns to prawns curry and spicy roast, seafood lovers enjoy prawns in all forms. However, more than the ingredients that are used, the freshness of the prawns is what gives the dish its unique taste. The flavour of the dish would be affected if the prawns are not fresh. Checking the freshness of the prawns is not an easy task. However, there are a few tips that would help to determine the freshness of prawns.

The head
Fresh prawns would have firm heads and meat would be still attached to the head. However, it is not possible to know the freshness if they are cleaned. So, always buy the prawns that have firm heads.

Darkened shell indicates that the prawns are not fresh. However, fresh prawns have a light pink colour and the shells may have shine too. It is easy to check the freshness by looking at the colour of the prawns caught from the sea.

Fresh prawns have sturdy shells. However, do not buy them if the shells are softer. Besides, buy the ones that are meaty.

Do not forget to give it a sniff while buying any fish. If the prawns stink, then are not fresh. But, fresher prawns may have the smell of seawater.

Unusual spots that are seen on the shells show poor quality. Some spots may be natural. However, most of them indicate that the prawns are not fresh. 

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