Dosas and idlis are incomplete without coconut chutney as a side dish. This spicy coconut chutney tastes amazing with rice and gruel too. Interestingly, this chutney could be easily made without a mixer. Here is how to make it.

½ coconut
10 shallots
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp cumin seeds
4 sprigs of curry leaves
2 tsp tamarind
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
½ tsp mustard seeds
2 dried chillies


Take grated coconut, chopped shallots, chilli powder, salt, tamarind, cumin and curry leaves in a bowl
Mix well using your fingers
Use moisture from the grated coconut and the extracts from the shallots to mix everything well
Heat oil in a pan
Splutter the mustard seeds, dried chillies and curry leaves
Add the coconut mixture
Cook for 2 minutes on low flame
Easy coconut chutney is ready.
Watch video here

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