How fast is too fast to shed your extra weight? Know these tips while working on your body

Don't let the figure on the weighing scale define your health. Photo: IANS

'She lost all that weight at the snap of a finger' is a comment that we often see, appreciating the weight-loss efforts of celebs who shed oodles of weight overnight. It's often attributed to 'hard work, discipline, better guidance and access to efficient trainers,' alongside their 'willpower and focussed approach'. However, it is important to know that while losing those extra kilos is beneficial for everyone's health, rapid weight loss can severely hamper your health. Losing up to a kilogram a week is healthy for a normal person, and this can be achieved by targeting a calorie deficit of up to 1000 calories a day. Setting realistic health goals should be the first step towards a healthy weight loss journey. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind to shed those pounds sensibly:

1)Say no to those extreme diets and workouts that promise quick results. Most of them cut out an entire food group or even urge you to go overboard with your daily dose of physical activity. In the long run, this approach is counterproductive and you will gain all that weight back. If it is not something you can sustain for a long time, it is not a good fitness plan for you.
2) Portion control is a method that can be easily accommodated into your regimen. The method will help you enjoy all food groups, yet in moderation. You can also incorporate high-fibre veggies into your meals to make you feel fuller, alongside reducing overall calorie intake.
3) As thirst can sometimes mask itself as hunger, drinking plenty of water can help you with curbing cravings, and proper digestion and reduce the likelihood of unhealthy binging. 
4) Make sure that you get a quality, eight-hour uninterrupted sleep, which can positively aid your weight loss. Engage in relaxing bedtime routines or workouts that can make sure you slip into a good sleep cycle daily. 
5) Don't let the figure on the weighing scale define your health. The fluctuations it shows may not be a correct indicator of your fitness. The figure on the scale should not become a demotivation factor. Checking the scale once a week the maximum is a healthy way of monitoring weight. 

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