We spend a significant amount of time on our cosy and well-made beds. For some, a bed is a place to relax as much as it is a piece of furniture for sleeping. In the night, we spend between 6 – 10 hours, sleeping peacefully on our beds. So, the bedsheet or the bedspread accumulates sweat, oil, and skin cells as well as the discharges from our body. Besides, you may also find dust and hair of your pets on the bed. So, health experts say that it is necessary to change the bedsheets at least once a week. Moreover, the bedsheets should be washed and dried properly before using them again. How you wash the bedsheet determines not just its neatness but its durability too. The stains on the bedsheet should be treated using a strong stain remover before washing it. The stain remover could remove almost all sorts of stains from the fabric.

To remove deeper stains like blood, coffee or wine, the bedsheet should be soaked in the stain remover overnight before washing it in the washing machine. Meanwhile, dishwashing soaps or liquids are best to remove grease. Before transferring the bedsheet into the drier, make sure that the stains are gone completely. You could also use lukewarm water to wash the bedsheets as it would help fade harsher stains.

Good quality bedsheets are available in attractive colours and design patterns. However, they should be washed in regular water to preserve their colour and quality of fabric. Cold water is excellent for washing bedsheets. If you are using bleaches for removing stains, then make sure to use only white-coloured bedsheets or bedspreads. The resin treatment that is used to erase the folds and wrinkles on new bedsheets may contain traces of formaldehyde. This may lead to skin diseases like dermatitis in those who have sensitive skin. Experts advise against regularly using fabric softeners while washing clothes and bedsheets. Drying bedsheets in the shades would protect the fabric strands and increase their durability. 

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