Potatoes are a staple in most Indian households as it is a versatile and delicious vegetable. However, even fresh potatoes can change colour or begin to sprout at times. Although you may have heard that sprouted potatoes are toxic, most of us use them by cutting off the sprouts. But, food and nutrition experts warn against using sprouted potatoes as it could lead to severe food poisoning and even death. So, throwing the potatoes away in case you notice sprouts on them is better.

Sprouted potatoes are toxins
Potatoes are a storehouse of solanine and chaconine, two glycoalkaloid compounds seen in vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers. When it is consumed in small quantities, they have many advantages, like reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. However, large quantities of these glycoalkaloids may turn into toxins that could even lead to death.


Potatoes get their green colour from chlorophyll, which is not a toxin. However, it also indicates the presence of high amount of glycoalkaloids. The amount of glycoalkaloid increases when the potato begins to sprout. You may start to exhibit symptoms of distress within hours or on the next day after having sprouted potatoes. Solanine, which is a toxic compound, causes vomiting, dysentery and even nervous disorder. Besides, your blood pressure may drop drastically, leading to a high pulse rate, severe fever, headache, confusion and even death.

How can you reduce the toxins in sprouted potatoes
The toxic compounds won’t be removed even when you cut off the sprouts from the cooked potatoes. So, it is better not to consume sprouted or green potatoes.
This is the right way to store potatoes
Many of us buy potatoes in large quantities as they are used regularly in our kitchens. You could store the potatoes in cool, dry places. Do not keep potatoes close to onions, as the gases emitted by onions could make the potatoes sprout.
1) Store potatoes in places where there is good air circulation
2) Avoid places with high temperature
3) Do not store potatoes near kitchen equipment
4) Store potatoes in places where direct sunlight doesn’t hit. Sunlight boosts solanine production.
5) Do not store raw potatoes in the fridge or freezer. The starch in them would turn into sugar at a cold temperature. It will make the potatoes extremely sweet while cooking.

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