Sudhakaran, A Group leaders to move high command as Cong infighting intensifies

K Sudhakaran
K Sudhakaran. File photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The infighting between Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) President K Sudhakaran and A Group leaders has now escalated to involve the party's high command.
The A Group leaders have decided to lodge a complaint against the state party chief directly with the high command. Sudhakaran, on his part, is scheduled to visit Delhi on Thursday. He is also expected to hold discussions with Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge. The tension was further fuelled by the annulment of MM Hassan's decision to revoke the suspension of former KPCC secretary MA Latif.

While Sudhakaran had hinted at a review of the actions taken by Hassan during his tenure as acting president, the A Group did not anticipate such swift action, party observers say.
Sudhakaran's reversal of Hassan's decision to lift the suspension of Latif, the head of A Group in Thiruvananthapuram district, was a significant setback for the group. Sudhakaran had also said that cancelling the suspension of a member whose primary membership had been revoked was technically incorrect, dealing another blow to group. Consequently, the Group leaders have resolved to openly oppose KPCC chief.

Mambaram Divakaran, who had publicly challenged Sudhakaran, was also reinstated on KPCC president's request. However, A Group accuses Sudhakaran of concealing this fact. They intend to submit a complaint to the high command, alleging that Sudhakaran was attempting to undermine Hassan by reversing his decisions.

Meanwhile, party sources have clarified that Latif was reinstated without consulting anyone. They saay that even if Sudhakaran was overlooked, Hassan should have sought Opposition leader VD Satheesan's opinion.
Sudhakaran, however, maintained that no such consultation took place, a point he intends to convey to Kharge. The internal issues within the state Congress are being brought before the high command ahead of the vote count.

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