Missing Aluva girl found with boyfriend in Angamaly, claim police

CCTV visuals of the girl and the two men. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorma News

Kochi: In a major revelation in the case related to the missing of a migrant couple's daughter at Aluva's Edayappuram, the police confirmed that the 12-year-old girl was spotted with her boyfriend at Angamaly here on Sunday night. A police official revealed that the girl eloped with the youth from West Bengal's Murshidabad as she was in a relationship with him for nearly 2 years. A case will be registered against the youth for abduction and charges under POCSO act, he added.

“ The girl reached Aluva along with her mother and stepfather from a village in West Bengal recently. She also got admission to a school in Aluva. We confirmed that the girl used to contact her boyfriend through phone. Following these phone conversations, the youth reached Aluva to take the minor girl along with him,” said the official.

According to the complaint lodged by the girl's family, she went missing after going to a nearby shop around 5 pm on Sunday. As she didn't return even after an hour, the panicked parents approached Aluva East police. In the CCTV visuals collected from the area, two men were seen following the girl. During the search, police spotted the girl along with two men including her boyfriend from a migrant workers' colony in Angamaly.

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