Members from the communities classified as OBC account for 52 per cent of total staff strength in the Government service, while representation from the General category is 36 per cent and SC/ST staff in government service is 11 per cent, according to the figures furnished in the assembly.
On its tolls, the state government has a total of 5,45,423 staff employed in 316 departments, corporations and institutions. Figures show that 5.45 lakh staff in Kerala government service belong to 238 communities.

Community-wise reports show that the highest number of government posts are held by Ezhavas (18 types ) - 1,15,075 followed by Nair/Kurup/Unnithan which includes around 25 types of caste - 1,08,012. There are 73,774 Muslims in the Government service which is slightly higher than Christians whose number is 73,713. Under Latin Catholics/Latin Christians, the number is 22,542. Among the Brahmin/Namboothiri, Potty/ Tamil Brahmin caste, there are 7,112 staff.

The information was made available from the e-caste database of employees in service Kerala ( e-CDESK) being maintained by the Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes ( KSCBC). The portal gives data on category-, community- and department-wise reports. Around 11 communities in Kerala have just one representation in government services. Some of these communities are Navithaar, Raneyar, Kodiyava, Chorthapanicker etc.

There are 27 staff in government service in the staff belonging to the Jain community while 26 belong to the Yadava community and the Kshatriya community is represented by 28 staff. Anglo-Indians number 736 in government departments. As many as 955 staff are not included under any category. The portal was developed in 2017 and from 2018 details of community and caste of government staff have been added to the portal.

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