Wayanad: Amid the search operations for the people who went missing in the Wayanad landslides, the team including army and forest officials deployed for the special search drive failed to airlift the body parts found in Soochippara region. Manorama News reported that the airlifting of the body parts was called off due to bad weather conditions.
The search personnel had found four body parts stuck between rocks during the search drive on Friday. However, poor light and bad weather conditions hampered the attempts to shift the remains to the hospital. The faulty engine of the navy helicopter also was a major challenge in the mission. Manorama News reported that the team will try to recover the body parts on Saturday. But it is learnt that the Special Protection Group has thrown a security blanket across the landslide-hit areas from Friday noon ahead of the Prime Minister's visit.
Minister P A Mohammed Riyas told media here on Friday that the massive search carried out under people including the survivors will resume on Sunday morning. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to reach Wayanad on Saturday around 12 pm. He will take an aerial survey of the affected area and attend a review meeting at the collectorate. He is likely to visit the injured at the hospital and people in a relief camp.