Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has sanctioned an additional Rs 211 crore for local self-government institutions, raising the total allocation for the current financial year to Rs 10,011 crore.  

According to Finance Minister K N Balagopal, the additional amount, part of the General Purpose Fund, is designated for three-tier panchayats, municipalities, and corporations. It is intended for public needs and development projects.  


The minister said in a statement that out of the Rs 211 crore, grama panchayats will receive Rs 150 crore, block panchayats Rs 10 crore, and district panchayats Rs 7 crore. Municipalities will receive Rs 26 crore and corporations Rs 28 crore, the minister said in a statement on Saturday. 

“Despite financial challenges caused by central government policies, the state government remains committed to fulfilling the promised allocation for local self-government institutions,” the minister added.

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