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Specially curated content from Onmanorama.
The rebirth of a 25-year-old motorcycle is a slice of Kiran's life story, how he sources, innovates and improvises to keep his grand collection of 40 vintage motorcycles in perfect condition.
After the amputation on February 11, he was shifted to the ward at Father Muller Medical College Hospital in Mangaluru on Friday.
Sudhakaran, who stays nearby, was walking towards the temple when he saw a panicked crowd scampering all over the premises.
Things hurtled downhill after the Speaker gave a time warning at the ninth minute of the Opposition Leader's speech.
When his gender identity came in the way of his reproductive choice, he moved to the High Court seeking direction to the hospital to cryopreserve his eggs.
In addition to ragging, they face charges of causing hurt using dangerous weapons, criminal intimidation and extortion.
Balagopal sounded triumphant when he began his address to the Kerala Assembly on Budget Day..
Kerala Olympic Association has filed a complaint and demanded a rematch with comprehensive camera coverage.
Under Isaac, KIIFB was the anti-neoliberal, people-centric Left alternative for creating major public assets.
Turtles lay their eggs in conical nests on the beach.
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