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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:32 PM IST

Choondal, a film that is sure to hook your heart | video

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choondal-poster The film has already won several awards including prizes for best film, best director, best cinematographer and best actor in various short film festivals in Kerala

Be it in any language, genuine portrayal of childhood and innocence attached to it on screen has always amused film lovers. 24-year-old Jeswin Jose must have been aware of that universal truth, hence his choice of theme of his debut work -- Choondal.

As the director himself describes it, Choondal (a fish hook) which went live on Youtube on Sunday is "a humble dramatic portrayal of two boys taking their chances of breaking their daily dose school to dream to fish in waters".

The story, in less than 10 minutes, revolves around what happened from the dawn-to-dusk of a day in the lives of the two kids. The film offers moments of innocence, fear and tension in a perfect blend.

The filmmakers chose to release it on June 5, world environment day, as they wish to underscore the ecological elements in the work. However, one who watches the film will quickly realise that it is only one of the many possibilities of interpreting the film.

The crew behind the films were united years ago by the SRM campus in Chennai where they studied visual media.

Jeswin, a native of Sulthan Bathery in Wayanad, along with the other crew members, are part of an advertisement agency in Kochi. Jeswin told Onmanorama that the idea of the film was triggered by a dream that disturbed the sleep of his friend Adarsh Sadanandan who has handled the cinematography and editing of the work. The film is penned by Arun James.

choondal-crew From left: Jeswin, Adarsh and Arun

Saran Stalin and Stephin, who are real life friends, found it easier to portray the characters when they were just explained the situations than asked to go by the written script, Jeswin said.

The entire film was shot at Kenichira, a village near Sulthan Bathery ayear ago. And the beauty of Wayanad is felt in each frame, thanks to Adarsh, the cinematographer and Jimmy Davis, the colourist.

The funding of the film was also unique as, probably in a first, a shortfilm was shot using loans from a Kudumbashree unit.

Music by Brightil Sabu, sound effects by Jomy Joseph, sound mixing by Rajesh KR and VFX by Aswin G Ashok must be mentioned as their jobs offer the film a professional touch. Jaiwin Jose and Arjun V Mohan worked as associate directors.

Jeswin and crew hope to find their ways to the big screen in the years ahead. And their debut work promises that they have much more to do with their medium. 

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