Winter is a period when everyone should pay more attention to their food. Including nuts in your daily diet is very beneficial for your health. Make it a habit to consume nuts to ease the digestive process and, at the same time, boost the body's immunity. Let us find out which nuts to eat and how they help improve the body’s health.

Almonds are rich in protein. Additionally, they contain Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins - mainly vitamin E - healthy fats, and minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. It is advisable to give up items fried in oil and bakery eatables and get used to consuming almonds instead. Eating almonds increases the body's immune system, and the fibre present in the nuts also helps in aiding the body’s metabolism.

Dates, naturally sweetened, are an excellent source of energy. They contain minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and copper. Dates can be used as an occasional snack or in smoothies, desserts, or sweets.

Consuming dried grapes, called raisins, is great for health as they are rich in iron, potassium, and antioxidants. Dried grapes are used as a sweetener in many dishes and as an important ingredient in cakes.

Dried figs
Figs are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals that aid digestion. The nuts also contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Dried figs can be used in cereals and yoghurt or eaten as an occasional snack.

When soaked, nuts become not only more tender but also tastier. Photo: Shutterstock/Bralnina
When soaked, nuts become not only more tender but also tastier. Photo: Shutterstock/Bralnina

Apricots are a storehouse of vitamin A, potassium, and fibre. Being sweet, they can be added to desserts or salads as a substitute for sugar. They can also be used in salads after cutting them into small pieces.

Eating walnuts, which contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, is excellent for cardiac health. They also contain antioxidants, fibre, and minerals like copper and manganese, which are necessary for the body. Eating a handful of walnuts daily is very beneficial for health.

Dates-almond milkshake recipe
A milkshake can be prepared and served to children who do not like to eat nuts soaked in water and almonds. Here's how to prepare it:

Almond milkshake can be easily made with ingredients found in your kitchen. Photo: Shutterstock/nblx
Almond milkshake can be easily made with ingredients found in your kitchen. Photo: Shutterstock/nblx

½ cup hot milk
10 dates
15 almonds
10 cashew nuts
2 cups cold milk
1 tbsp khus khus
A few nuts finely chopped

Soak dates, almonds, and nuts in warm milk
Mix them with the cool milk and blend them in a mixer
Serve with the finely chopped nuts and khus khus
Everyone will love this tasty and healthy shake

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