It is common to soak chickpeas, mung beans, Bengal gram, or any other pulses overnight before cooking in the morning for breakfast. Chickpeas and pulses are great sources of fibre, vitamins, and protein. However, improper cooking can lead to various health issues.

Pulses, nuts, and grains are storehouses of phytic acid, which can cause digestive problems and lead to nutrient loss in humans. This might harm the body’s ability to assimilate and absorb iron, zinc, calcium, and other minerals. Therefore, chickpeas, mung beans, and other pulses should be soaked for at least two to eight hours before cooking. Soaking chickpeas for too long (more than 24 hours) can cause nutrient loss and may leave them gritty and unpleasant to eat. However, soaking for the appropriate duration (8–12 hours) reduces anti-nutrients, improves digestibility, and enhances their nutritional value.

But what if you forget to soak the chickpeas and still want to cook a curry? Here are some easy hacks to help you cook them withoutovernight soaking.

1. Hot water and salt
Wash the chickpeas at least twice before adding them into a hot vessel or a casserole. Pour hot water and a pinch of salt; cover and keep aside for an hour. You can use these chickpeas to cook the curry.


2. Boiling
Boil the washed chickpeas for five to ten minutes. Turn off the flame and close the vessel using a lid. Keep this aside for one to two hours before making the curry. Although this method isn’t as effective as overnight soaking, it still saves time.

Soaked chickpeas. Photo: iStock/Prateek Chaurasia
Soaked chickpeas. Photo: iStock/Prateek Chaurasia

3. Pressure cooking
Pressure cooking is an easy method to cook chickpeas that haven’t been soaked. The steam and pressure inside the cooker make the chickpeas softer. Take three times more water than the amount of chickpeas in a pressure cooker and add a pinch of baking soda. This baking soda helps soften the cellulose structure of the chickpeas quickly. Close the lid and cook on high flame for four to five whistles. Now, lower the flame and cook for ten to fifteen more minutes. Open the lid only after the steam settles down completely.


4. Ice cubes
Cook the chickpeas in the pressure cooker until two whistles. Open the lid after the steam settles down, and add lots of ice cubes as well as cold water. Now, turn on the flame again and cook until seven or eight whistles. The chickpeas will be softer as if they had been soaked overnight.

5. Soak beforehand
If you are someone who consumes chickpeas or pulses regularly, then you could soak them once and store them in airtight containers in the fridge. This way, you won’t need to soak chickpeas every time you plan to cook them. Strain the soaked chickpeas and dry them well. Store them in airtight containers or a plastic bag and keep them in the freezer. You can take them out in required quantities whenever you need the chickpeas. This method works for mung beans and green peas as well.

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