Some people face the peculiar condition of both thighs rubbing against each other while walking or running. A young man working in Mumbai recently complained to a doctor, “My thighs are close together, which causes scraping between them when I walk. Moreover, the size of my abdominal region is bigger than normal.”

He also faces another problem when walking. “I resort to a strange action while walking evoking laughter among my friends. My knees also rub against each other,” says the youth.


The doctor comforted the youth quoting a poet who wrote, ‘When hundreds of thousands of people gather a place, barely a couple of them would be of the perfect proportions.’

“Each human body is unique and would have some special characteristics. If both knees rub against each other, the insides of both thighs right above also may come into contact. Hereditary causes have also been attributed to this condition,” said the doctor.


An orthopaedic surgeon can operate on the knees and solve the problem of their knees and thighs rubbing against each other. “This would end the issue of thighs scraping together. Much advancement has taken place in the field of knee surgery,” the doctor assured the youth.

The young man was also warned that a bulging stomach would do him no good. “Try to reduce weight and become slim. Also check whether you suffer from hormonal imbalance,” the doctor advised.

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