Thiruvananthapuram: A sensor-based early warning system will be installed that would send an alert to the mobile phones of the forest department watchers when wild elephants enter human habitats.

Even if the sensors fail to send the alert, artificial intelligence cameras will capture the images of the wild elephants and alert the authorities.

The early warning system would be implemented jointly by the forest department and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The system would be installed on a pilot basis at Marayoor in Idukki this year at a cost of Rs 10 lakh. If successful, it would be extended to other districts as well.

The alert will be sent if wild elephants reach at least 100m near human habitats. The moment the sensor detects the elephant's presence, the information would be sent to the mobile phones of forest watchers, who can then alert the local residents.

The forest department officials held talks with the private companies in Mumbai and Bengaluru over installing the sensor system and artificial intelligence cameras.

Earlier, an early warning system (via SMS) had been implemented in two districts to notify the forest department officials and the public about the presence of wild elephants. But as this was found to be not effective, it was scrapped.

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