Liquor policy: Excise Minister vows stringent action against illegal fund collection

Minister of Self-Government and Excise Department MB Rajesh. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Excise Minister MB Rajesh on Friday said the state government would take stringent action against those trying to solicit funds in exchange for favourable liquor policy. He was responding to media queries following the publication of a voicemail sent by a member of the Federation of Kerala Hotel Association allegedly hinting at the collection of funds in exchange for favorable liquor policies by the government.

"We'll take stringent steps against those trying to extract money from people in the name of revised liquor policy. Neither the government nor the excise department has initiated any discussion on this matter yet. Since the elections are underway, we have delayed the decisions on the liquor policy," Rajesh said. The Minister has also written to the State Police Chief seeking an investigation into the voice clip.

Animon suspended
The president of the the Federation of Kerala Hotels Association V Sunil Kumar also denied bribery allegations.

"Animon's voice message is a part of a bigger conspiracy. We have only asked members to contribute money for the building fund. We are planning to purchase a building in Thiruvananthapuram. Animon will be suspended for working against the federation's interests," Sunil Kumar said. He added that only Rs 4.5 crore of the total Rs 6.2 crore required was collected so far. Animon and some members of the Idukki branch were against this purchase from the start, he said.

In the leaked message, Animon, the president of the Idukki district chapter of the Federation of Kerala Hotel Association, is heard demanding Rs 2.5 lakh from individuals. According to transcripts of the WhatsApp communication allegedly sent by Animon to bar owners, these directives were conveyed on behalf of the organisation's state president. This development comes amidst indications that the government was planning to declare a new liquor policy which would address the demands of bar owners, including the avoidance of dry days and the extension of operating hours.

"Nobody will help us without paying. Those capable of paying Rs 2.5 lakh should do so. A new liquor policy will be formulated after the elections, incorporating changes regarding dry days. To achieve this, you must provide the required funds," Animon is heard saying the message, which was circulated on WhatsApp group of Federation members from Idukki. This was later deleted, but not before causing a stir within the industry.

Cong slams govt
Congress state president K Sudhakaran on Friday alleged that the LDF government was formulating a new liquor policy after collecting Rs 25 crore from bar owners, "They are collecting Rs 2.5 lakh each from 900 bars. I hear that they collected a huge sum before the elections. They are collecting the arrears now. Extension of bar timings, cancellation of dry days, and opening of pubs in IT hubs will greatly benefit bar owners. Pinarayi Vijayan's new liquor policy will drown Kerala in alcohol. The Left had created a big hue and cry when bar owners claimed that the former Finance Minister KM Mani took Rs 1 crore bribe from them. He had to resign following this controversy," Sudhakaran said.

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