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It is a condition caused by two or more microorganisms.
Due to flooding, poor hygiene conditions and vector bites, the immune system can weaken, leading to various skin infections in the cyclone season.
Personal preferences, overall health, age and the number of times toothbrushes are used should be considered while selecting your toothbrush.
Chandipura infection leads to encephalitis or the swelling and inflammation of brain tissues.
Prolonged wearing of gels and acrylics can also lead to pseudo-psoriatic nails.
Do not ignore bleeding gums while brushing or flossing, thinking that it is quite common.
In some people, paronychia may lead to puss-filled abscesses and fungal infection too.
Calling it an abuse of power and position, KGMOA has warned of a strike if such incidents repeat.
The 49-year-old woman, belonging to the National Capital Region (NCR), was detected with the infection at Delhi's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
White Fungus has generally been seen in immuno-compromised people like those on chemotherapy or undergoing bone marrow transplant.
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