New Delhi: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has rolled out draught guidelines for universities to collaborate with industry in education and research.

The recommendations of the guidelines on the ‘Sustainable and Vibrant University-Industry Linkage System for Indian Universities' include availing the help of industrial institutions to facilitate practical training by students in the courses they study and the rolling out of collaborative degree programmes, among others.

It suggests creating a "cluster of universities and industries" enabled by technology at the state level. Institutions of state or central government in each region will oversee the functioning of the cluster. Matters like collaboration in research, internships, etc. will have to be taken up through these clusters.

Industry professionals can be appointed to the Board of Studies and Academic Council of Varsities. They can also be utilised for teaching purposes in their capacity as professors of practise’.

Other recommendations

The industry can provide endowments to set up vocational training centres in universities.

Industry partners can facilitate university research students to use of "sophisticated and costly equipment" available in the industry. In return, industry partners should be offered open access to university resources for testing and certification purposes.

Industries can establish industry chairs at universities. They can also support scholarship programmes for outstanding researchers.


Joint research to develop new technologies

Collaborative degree programmes with an emphasis on practise. Project work under this programme can be executed under the joint guidance of teachers and experts from the industry.

The public, too, can convey their opinions on the draft guidelines. The last date to send your feedback is July 31.


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