Kottayam: Saintgits College of Engineering in Kottayam is hosting TEDxSaintgits 2025 under the theme "180°: Radical Redirections" on January 11, Saturday. The event will be held from 9.30 am in the Mini Auditorium at the Saintgits College campus located at Pathamuttam.The event aims to explore transformative ideas, unexpected life changes, and unexplored perspectives. Attendees will have the opportunity to witness thought-provoking talks designed to challenge conventional limits and ignite personal change.

Tickets are available at tedxsaintgits.com. This event promises to redefine what’s possible and inspire bold, new directions.


(The author is a BTech Robotics & Automation student at the Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, reporting for Onmanorama as part of our campus outreach programme, Onmanorama Campus Reporter)

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