Actress Nayanthara is celebrating her 39th birthday today. Warm wishes from fans and friends are flooding social media platforms. Nayanthara's husband and director Vignesh Shivan chose a unique way to extend his greetings. He posted a picture of Nayanthara's birthday cake and affectionately captioned it, 'Love you, my Uyir & Ulagam @Nayanthara. Happy birthday to you! All the beauty and meaning of my life is you and your happiness'. The duo had twins through surrogacy last year, a few months after their marriage ceremony.
Social media is abuzz with pictures and videos of Nayanthara, with fans reminiscing about their favourite movies and moments of the acclaimed actress. Anticipation is high for updates on Nayanthara's upcoming films.
On the professional front, Nayanthara has an intriguing lineup of films, with her 75th film titled 'Annapoorani'. The teaser for the film is set to release today as a special treat for fans, and the movie is scheduled for a theatrical release.