Parvathy Thiruvothu is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film 'Thangalaan', which will hit theatres on August 15. During the pre-release event of the film, the actor shared her experience working in the movie and spoke in length about her 'Thangalaan' co-star Vikram, who is headlining the film. Parvathy started her speech by revealing it was her long-standing dream to work with the 'Ponniyin Selvan 2' actor.
“It has been a long-standing dream to work with Chiyaan Vikram garu. I can say with 100 per cent conviction and my heart is swelling with pride when I say that he is the best co-actor I have worked. He carries you throughout the film. He is generous. Not only with you, but with everyone who works with him. I hope I can be like you someday,” she told Vikram during her speech.
In a recent Q and A session on X, co-actor Malavika Mohanan, who plays a sorceress in the movie, also appreciated Vikram for making her comfortable on the sets. “I was so intimated when I met him for the first time haha. And I was also feeling so awkward about making a fool of myself doing stunt sequences with him as it was my first time doing action. But he made me so incredibly comfortable. So so kind & giving as a co-actor he is. I CANNOT imagine having gone through this journey without him. What a man. Only love & respect for him(sic),” she wrote.