Sweet and refreshing watermelon is a summer favourite of all. Many even try watermelon diets to swiftly shed some extra pounds. Most like to enjoy watermelon after chilling them in the fridge. However, studies show that watermelon might lose some of its precious nutrients when chilled. The United State Department of Agriculture, in its studies, revealed that watermelon kept in room temperature has more nutrients than refrigerated ones.

Watermelon could be enjoyed by everyone as it doesn’t contain any fat content. But, diabetic patients should eat it only with the advice of your doctors. Watermelon doesn’t contain cholesterol or sodium. Around 2 cups (280 gm) of watermelon contains 270 mg potassium (8%), 21 gm carbohydrate and 1 gm protein. Besides Vitamins A and C, watermelon has Vitamin B6 too which produces antibodies. It is excellent for the production of the red blood cells and the overall health of the nervous system.

Check out the recipes of four refreshing items made with watermelon.

Watermelon plum punch

5 almonds
Dried mint leaves
4 big watermelon slices (seeds removed)
8 ripe plums
¼ cup black tea
1 tsp lemon juice
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
Take the watermelon, plum, black tea, lemon juice, salt and sugar in a mixer jar
Blend well
Garnish with shaved almonds and dried mint leaf powder.

Watermelon punch

Tomato – watermelon salad


5 cups of cubed watermelon
2 cups of ripe tomatoes
½ cup vinegar
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp pepper powder
½ tsp salt
3 tsp sugar
1 shallot (finely chopped)
Take watermelon and tomato cubes in a salad bowl
Add salt and sugar
Keep it aside for at least 15 minutes
After that, add the shallot, vinegar and olive oil
Mix well
Keep the salad in the fridge for two hours
Sprinkle some pepper powder before serving.

It’s tangy, it’s sweet, it’s tomato watermelon salad!
It’s tangy, it’s sweet, it’s tomato watermelon salad!

Watermelon kulfi

6 cups watermelon cubes
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp lemon zest
10-15 kulfi moulds
Blend the watermelon in a mixer jar
Add the lemon juice and lemon zest into the watermelon juice
Strain this into a bowl
Pour the juice into kulfi moulds
Keep them in the freezer
The stick should be attached to the kulfi moulds.

Fruit to keep you hydrated in summers.(photo:IANSLIFE)
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