Rolling chapatis may be a hassle for many, especially during the busy hours in the morning. Most people who enjoy eating chapatis often wish for a method to store them safely to be used for a few days. Follow these steps to make soft chapatis and store them up to 3 -4 days.

Step 1 - Preparing the dough
Add salt to the flour before mixing the dough by adding lukewarm water. You could add a teaspoon of oil to improve the taste and to make chapatis soft. Cover the dough using a piece of clean cloth and keep aside for some time.


Step 2 – Rolling
Make small balls from the dough. Place them on the board, sprinkle some flour and roll into round chapatis.

Step 3 – Cook chapatis
Spread some oil or ghee and cook both sides.


Step 4 – Storing
Store the cooked chapatis in an air-tight container or a zip-lock bag and keep in fridge. Drying them under the sun for a few minutes would prevent the chapatis from sticking onto to each other. You could also place a sheet of paper or a cloth between the chapatis. If stored like this, chapatis would be fresh for up to 3 – 4 days.

Step 5 – Reheating
Take out the chapati and keep them at room temperature for at least ten minutes. After that, reheat them in a hot tawa or a microwave oven. Brush some oil or ghee while reheating to make the chapatis softer. 

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