The Euro Cup is witnessing a fierce battle among fans, not just on the field but also over their respective local delicacies. This culinary clash began during the group stage with Albanian fans taunting Italian fans by breaking uncooked spaghetti pasta, a "grave offence" according to Italian cuisine enthusiasts, right in front of them. The Italians responded in kind, holding up posters that read, "Eat pasta and run fast," and went on to win the match.

With the Italian posters going viral, this culinary feud spread to other matches. Hungarian fans raised a banner during their match against Switzerland that declared, "Goulash is better than fondue." Fondue, a Swiss delicacy made with cheese and wine, faced off against goulash, a traditional Hungarian soup.

Then the Austrians followed suit, breaking baguettes in the faces of French fans before their Euro 2024 clash.

Polish fans joined in during the match between Poland and the Netherlands, holding up a banner stating, "Kielbasa is better than Gouda." Kielbasa, a Polish sausage, competed with Gouda, a famous Dutch cheese.


As the semifinals brought the food war to an end, organizers were much relieved that the fan rivalry was confined to these culinary jabs alone.

England will play Spain in the final of the Euro 2024 soccer championship in Germany on Sunday.

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