Here is a chance to showcase your innovative ideas in digital domain!

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How many files related to various departments get stuck in red tape in government offices? In a way, each file represents each life. When will the sleeping files be finally cleared? Those who have negotiated the corridors of government offices at least once may think along similar lines. But can we have transparent and red-tape-free government offices? Shouldn’t our government offices be in tune with the changing times? And do you have a creative idea to reverse the snail pace of file clearance in government offices?
If you are a student in the age group of 13-26 and have cracking ideas in the digital domain, which have the potential to create meaningful changes in society, then here’s your chance. You can send your ideas to Manorama Online, giving you an opportunity to bag The Digital Changemaker Prize 2023, which has been instituted for students as part of the Manorama Online Techspectations Digital Summit.
Students can send their innovative ideas that can better or alter digital services in the four domains of utility services, education technology, media, and entertainment. The winner in each category will get a cash prize of Rs 30,000. The second prize is Rs 20,000, and the third prize is Rs 10,000. All those who reach the finals will get a consolation prize of Rs 2,000.

The winners of the Digital Changemaker 2023 contest will receive an academic scholarship and merit certificates presented by the title partner of Techspectations. The Digital Changemaker Prize 2023 is organized in association with Jain Online, which is a leading entity in the online education sector.
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