Kozhikode MES College dismisses 5 students over ragging

Second-year degree student Mohammed Midhulaj from Pullalloor was brutally assaulted by senior students on July 14. Photo : Special arrangement

Kozhikode: MES College of Arts and Sciences in Chathamangalam dismisssed five students after their involvement in the ragging of a second-year degree student Mohammaed Midhulaj.

The college also dismissed two other students from the current semester. All the seven students are 5th-semester degree students at the college. 

As per the case, second-year degree student Mohammed Midhulaj from Pullalloor was brutally assaulted by the  senior students in question. The incident came to light after Midhulaj was admitted to the Government Medical College with multiple injuries to the face and neck.

Following this, the college suspended six students on July 20. Among them, one was acquitted of the charges later. Meanwhile, the inquiry commission appointed by the college has found two more students guilty in the ragging case.

Midhulaj's father said his son was subjected to ragging by a gang of over 20 students that verbally abused him on July 15. It is alleged that the gang questioned him over his dress and hairstyle before launching a brutal attack.

The Kunnamangalam Police have registered a case under Section 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide). 

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