Thiruvananthapuram: The Subject Committee of the Legislative Assembly has approved the Kerala Government’s proposal to permit the sale of alcohol in the state’s IT parks, with certain amendments.
Officials said the amendments did not stipulate any major changes to the original proposal by the state government. With the approval, the steps for serving liquor will be implemented once the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is withdrawn. However, the opposition MLAs in the subject committee opposed the decision to permit liquor sales.

The subject committee has made a few new suggestions for issuing the liquor license. The revised set of guidelines and rules will be released after due consultations with the Excise and Law departments. Meanwhile, the state cabinet does not need to discuss the proposal, as it has already consented to the plan.


As per the proposal, it has been decided to issue a new license category titled FL4C. The liquor outlet can be opened in the entertainment centres and established at designated locations inside the IT parks owned or controlled by the government. The outlet will operate in the model of a private club, and the authorities are proposing to impose a club fee of Rs. 20 lakh. The Excise Department, meanwhile, has recommended that the administration of the outlet be handled by the developer or co-developer of the project.
In the case of Technopark in Thiruvananthapuram, the project developer is Technopark, while the companies are its co-developers. These outlets will be permitted to function along the lines of bar restaurants, operating from 11 am to 11 pm.

As in the case of other license holders, such outlets inside the IT parks can purchase liquor from the godowns of the Beverages Corporation in bulk quantities for sale. However, they will not be permitted to serve liquor to outsiders. Regarding permission for employees to consume liquor during duty hours, it will be up to the respective companies to decide.
Commenting on the issue, Congress leader and Subject Committee member Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan said that he would give an objection note against the decision to flood IT parks with liquor, and the issue would be raised in the Legislative Assembly as well.

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