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Neha (12), a resident of Mekon, suffered the snakebite on her leg while attending Christmas celebrations at the school on Friday.
Despite the body pain she was experiencing due to the previous catch, Roshni managed to catch the snake, marking a significant milestone in her career -- her 100th python rescue.
Stick to the main trails and roads used by pilgrims. Snakes tend to hide in tall grass, rocks, or debris on the way.
Asbiya's grandmother, Rahmath (45), was also bitten by the snake while she was asleep.
Ashok, a construction labourer, was bitten by the snake around 8 pm on September 18, when he was resting at the sitout of his house.
The room had been closed for an extended period, and as she entered, the snake bit her on the leg.
Surya, 11, was a class 6 student of Vandiperiyar Government UP School.
In her plea, Soorya, an MBA graduate, argued that her father is bedridden due to paralysis and that she is unable to find employment in the country
The rescued snake was later freed to its natural habitat.
Helping Kerala achieve this ambitious 'no snakebite death' idyll is the SARPA app, an application created by the Kerala Forest Department after Shahla's and Uthra's deaths.
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