Kochi: A mock session of the United Nations was held at the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT).

The students of School of Legal Studies (SLS), CUSAT, held the event named CUSAT Model United Nations (MUN).

The popular event is a platform for students of any age group to improve their debating, diplomatic, leadership, and team-working skills. Moreover, MUN helps to provide deep knowledge on Politics, Law, and International Relations.

Over 200 student delegates from various schools and colleges across India participated in the second edition of the mock UN session held on the main campus of CUSAT from September 20 to 22.

The functioning of four committees was simulated by the participants. They are namely United Nations General Assembly Disarmament and International Security Committee (UNGA DISEC), United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Continuous Crisis Committee (CCC), All-India Political Party Meet (AIPPM) and International Press (IP).

Parallel sessions of these committees discussed various issues ranging from international drug trade and weapon trafficking to Jammu and Kashmir Regoraganisation Act to LGBTQ rights.

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The popular event is a platform for students of any age group to improve their debating, diplomatic, leadership, and team-working skills.

The CCC had a special agenda: World War III.

The Secretary General of the CUSAT MUN Organising Committee Safal Tom said, “MUN is a social gathering where quality learning meets fun and entertainment. This type of learning is absent in our classrooms.”

The best-performing student delegates of each committee were awarded with cash prizes and certificates. The Best Student Delegation award was won by the delegation from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai. 

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