Malappuram: Mad'in Academy here in Melmuri will conduct an expo to promote ancient calligraphy forms of the state on January 20 and 21. The event, which includes various international figures in the field, is expected to create awareness about the calligraphy art form.

As said by the academy officials, many ancient calligraphy creations are suffering dilapidated conditions lacking any efforts to preserve them. 


"When the Grand Masjid of Ma'din was built in Malappuram, we spent around Rs 3 crore for a calligraphy-based art form in the mosque and it marked the value of such artists. People are still unaware of its value and our efforts will encourage more people to practice calligraphy", said Umer Melmuri, Chairman of the calligraphy exhibition.

The academy will conduct calligraphy training programmes in association with the leading international bodies in the field. It will also stage international competitions offering prize money up to Rs 16 lakhs, informed Anfas Wandoor, the institute director. 
Besides calligraphy courses, Ma'din offers courses in Islamic illumination, pencil drawing, painting, typography, and embroidery.

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