The unexpected re-release of the film 'Devadoothan' has taken the box office by storm, becoming a remarkable success story. The Mohanlal starrer, once considered underrated, has now collected an astonishing Rs 3.2 crores, setting a new benchmark for re-release films in Kerala.
According to the popular Twitter forum Forum Reelz, the film amassed over Rs 1 crore during its second weekend alone, bringing its 10-day total to over Rs 3.2 crores. This incredible achievement has allowed 'Devadoothan' to surpass the re-release box office collections of the classic film 'Spadikam', making it the most successful re-release ever in Kerala's cinematic history.
'Devadoothan' is the story of Vishal Krishnamoorthy (played by Mohanlal), an acclaimed musician who returns to his alma mater to direct a musical production. Years before, Vishal had been expelled by Madam Angelina Ignatius (Jaya Prada) for allegedly playing a forbidden musical instrument, the Seven Bells, which he claimed played by itself. Now, as Vishal hears the same haunting melody again, he is compelled to unravel the enigma surrounding the Seven Bells.