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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 03:17 AM IST

Lens movie review: Focusing the dark spots of voyeuristic thrills

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Lens movie review: Focusing the dark spots of voyeuristic thrills A still from the movie

The subject is not new, but the pursuit definitely is - the vicious cycle of cyber porn ensnaring victims who in turn attract more preys. The multi-lingual film Lens, directed by Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan, holds its focus on both sides of the vice.

The movie opens to virtual liaisons through the internet by its protagonist, Arvind. The lecherous episodes that follow unveil the intensity of the lust a man harbors in privacy. The dicey moments and the suspense thereafter generate a lot of excitement and anxiety.

Considering the theme, which harps on sensuousness, the storyline may not need much peripheral details to hold the attention. But here, the movie does justice to creative wisdom by not exploiting the sexual desires alone. It, in turn, rips apart the veil of decency of the lecherous minds.

Lens movie review: Focusing the dark spots of voyeuristic thrills Poster of the movie

The script keeps the momentum through twists and turns and moderate performances of actors. The main characters of Aravind, Yohan and Angel are essayed almost perfectly. But we see the elasticity of the stretched out sequences taking a toll on them.

Loaded with philosophical maxims, the dialogues and reactions trot on a monotonous pattern for quite sometime. Though none of them are blunt, their excessive presence spoils the charm.

lens-movie-still The movie opens to virtual liaisons through the internet by its protagonist, Arvind

Here goes one such example, "Every one has the freedom to make their own choices but the consequences have their free will too" or yet another one, “Foundation of justice is revenge, not forgiveness.”

Thoroughly going on a preaching mode, the film also throws light on how the kind of information and communication technology that we have keep the traps open for the vulnerable minds to fall for thrill of lust and promiscuity and how tough it is to maintain a safe distance. Moreover, it shows how ruthlessly the web of internet distorts forever the face and fate of unfortunate victims who are transformed into objects of lewd joys for porn trawlers.

Lack of clarity in switching to different time scales and also in establishing certain crucial situations do pose a bit of problem. But otherwise, the film is a good watch providing some anxious moments.


Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan, donning the role of Arvind, offers a mediocre performance by elevating the tension the situation demands. Anand Sami as Yohan does a commendable job within the limited precincts he was allotted. It is Vinutha Lal who does the blitzkrieg of a show. Besides giving soul to the character, she gives ample leverage to the movie to gain the charm.

A few abstract visuals are attempted in between to grace the narrative with artistic undertone and the director is successful to some extend in his bid. The effort to pull off excitement from so brief a canvas and with minimal characters and locations is definitely commendable. Had the script been more taut and the treatment been more mature, the film could have produced magical affects. It had the scope.

Onmanorama rating: 2.5 / 5

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