With coconut prices soaring to an all-time high, preserving every bit of this essential ingredient has become a priority. Scraped or ungrated coconut tends to spoil quickly, often changing colour or developing a slippery texture within just two days. But worry not! These simple storage hacks will help you keep coconut fresh for much longer, ensuring none of it goes to waste.

How to store ungrated coconut shell
1. Salt method
Sprinkle a little salt on leftover coconut before storing it in the fridge.


2. Salt water method
Dissolve some salt in water and immerse the coconut in this solution before refrigerating.

Both methods prevent spoilage and keep the coconut fresh for several days.


How to store scraped coconut
Scraped coconut may begin to go stale if left out for more than 30 minutes, so it’s best to refrigerate or freeze any leftovers immediately. To keep grated coconut fresh for longer, place it in an airtight container and store it in the freezer. This method keeps the coconut fresh and ready for use whenever needed.

Can you store coconut milk in the fridge?
Freshly extracted coconut milk spoils quickly, so it’s best consumed on the same day. However, here’s how you can extend its shelf life:

  • For same-day use: Store the milk in an airtight container in the fridge.
  • For longer storage: Freeze coconut milk to keep it fresh for a few days.

Additional tips to prevent waste

  • Dry-toast grated coconut before refrigerating. This not only preserves it but also enhances its flavour.
  • Whether grated coconut or coconut milk, never leave it at room temperature for more than 30 minutes. Always refrigerate promptly.
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