Chai next level: Here's how to caramelize your tea granules

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How many ways are there to make tea? Many, depending on the level of strongness you need, the tea-milk ratio you prefer and the choice of spices you'll use. Whichever way to choose, how about giving it a yummy upgrade?
No offense to dust, but a real chai lover would most often go for granules or leaves—just like how a coffee aficionado takes their game seriously by swapping coffee powder with freshly roasted beans. It's an easy way to give that luxurious, cafe-like feel to your coffee. But what about tea? You can just buy unprocessed tea leaves and roast them at home. But you can always play with your packaged teas to bring a smoky, toasty upgrade to it.
Here is how to:
- Take a non-stick pan.
- Heat the regular amount of sugar granules you use for your chai on the pan.
- When the sugar granules start to caramelize, add the desired amount of dried tea leaves or granules of your favourite brand.
- Stir it a bit to make sure the granules are well caramelized.
- Now heat up the milk (dilute it if you prefer your tea to be less creamy) for chai in a saucepan or chai pot.
- Add the crushed spices of your choice. Cardamom and dried ginger are ideal for this preparation.
- Add the caramelized tea to the milk.
- Let it simmer until the chai reaches your preferred amount of strongness.
- After turning off the stove, take another cup. Pour the tea from a height into the cup, then pour it back into the saucepan. Repeat this process a few times until the tea is frothy.
- Strain it to remove the granules and spices.
- Serve hot.
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