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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 03:31 PM IST

Two drug pushers raped, killed Latvian tourist; arrested

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Two drug pushers arrested for murdering Latvian tourist Representational image

Thiruvananthapuram: Two people have been arrested for the murder of a Latvian national after forensic reports confirmed that the medical tourist was sexually assaulted and murdered on the same day she went missing from Kovalam.

Panathura natives Udayan and Umesh, both drug pushers, were the prime suspects in the case and were arrested after they confessed to the murder on Wednesday and the forensic reports proved their involvement in the crime.

The viscera examination reports have confirmed that the 33-year-old woman was subjected to brutal assaults and was strangulated.

The chemical examination had also revaled that the hair and fingerprint samples collected from the crime site matched those of the accused.

According to unconfirmed reports, the woman was first spotted by the assaulters when she was strolling along the beach towards Panathura side early morning on March 14.

The duo lured her to a boat ride pretending to be tourist guides.

The gullible woman, who had left her sister that morning saying she wanted to see the sea, was soon taken to the mangrove forest in a fibre boat where she was killed in a rape bid.

Both the accused, who were in police custody for the past one week, confessed to the crime after continuous interrogation, sources said.

The dress worn by the two would be sent for forensic examination.

The chronically depressed woman was undergoing ayurvedic treatment at a medical facility at Pothencode along with her sister.

Her decapitated body was discovered on April 21 and several people, including a yoga trainer, have been under the scanner for the crime.

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