Man thrashed to death for suspiciously lurking near house; two persons arrested

Prijesh (left), who was beaten to death; the accused, Shabas and Rahnas, were arrested in connection with the murder. Photo: Special Arrangement

Kasaragod: A man who was found dead next to his parked motorcycle near his house in Trikaripur Monday morning was beaten to death by three youths, said Kasaragod police.

Police on Tuesday arrested two persons and are on the lookout for three others.

The arrested persons were identified as Muhammed Shabas (22) and Muhammed Rahnas (23) of Porappad in Trikaripur panchayat. Apart from these two, Safan (25), who was allegedly directly involved in the killing, is on the run, said Chandera police that investigated the case.

Police said Marnadiyan Prijesh (32), who works as a distributor for a Payyannur-based soft drinks company, was beaten to death allegedly by the three accused after he was spotted lurking near Shabas's house at Porappad late Sunday night.

Porappad is around 2 km from Prijesh's house at Vayalodi in Trikaripur panchayat.

Prijesh was found dead on a vacant plot near his house at Vayalodi Monday morning by his brother Priyesh.

The shirtless and bare-footed body covered in dirt was found in a supine position, his hands were interlaced and placed below the chest. His Enfield Bullet was parked near the body.

Prijesh had left home around 10 pm on Sunday.

Police suspected foul play because the body was found not on the usual path taken by Prijesh. Also, there were injuries on his body.

The autopsy done at Kannur Government Medical College Hospital confirmed the suspicion of the police. "There were internal injuries and bleeding which led to cardiac arrest," said district police chief Vaibhav Saxena.

Police began their investigation by triangulating the last location of Prijesh's phone. It was found near the house of Shabas at Porappad, around 2km from Prijesh's house.

Shabas works in a restaurant in Bengaluru and is home for vacation.

Police also found a relative of Prijesh who lives at Porappad. The relative told the police that he saw Prijesh with Shabas and his friends Sunday night.

Based on the statement, police picked up Shabas and Rahnas. Rahnas had recently returned from Malaysia where he worked in a restaurant.

They reportedly told police that they did not know the deceased Prijesh. "When Shabas spotted Prijesh suspiciously lurking near his house, he called in his friend and they together assaulted him," said a sub-inspector at Chandera police.

Saxena said police were investigating what led to the assault of Prijesh.

Police said Prijesh was beaten with coconut petiole and planks. After thrashing him, the accused left Prijesh and his motorcycle near his house. "We are investigating whether they left him injured or a dead man," said the officer.

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