Teen dies while attempting to rescue friends from drowning in Thrissur Pond

Fire Force personnel rush the boy to hospital. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

Thrissur: A 14-year-old boy lost his life while trying to rescue two children from drowning in a pond at Kunnamkulam here on Saturday. The deceased is Akshay, son of Peethambaran from Edappal in Malappuram. 

The local residents who rushed to the scene rescued the two children from drowning. Fire Force personnel and scuba divers recovered Akshay's body from the 20-ft-deep pond during a search.

It is learnt that the pond was formed after a pit which developed during soil mining got filled with water. Hence, the pond was very risky due to the presence of slippery mud. According to reports, people used to take a bath in this pond.

Akshay met with the accident when he reached there with his friends on Saturday around 11 am. Though he was rushed to the nearby Kunnamkulam Government Tauk Hospital, he was pronounced dead by the doctors. The boy reached Kunnamkulam to spend his holidays at his mother's house.

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