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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:54 AM IST

Don't test my patriotism at random places, says Kamal Haasan

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Don't test my patriotism at random places, says Kamal Haasan Kamal Haasan. Onmanorama/File photo

Chennai: Veteran film star Kamal Haasan has said patriotism should not be tested at random places and suggested playing of national anthem on Doordarshan at midnight everyday.

His comments in a tweet came a day after the Supreme Court on October 23 said people do not need to stand up in cinema halls to prove their patriotism and asked the Center to consider amending the rules for regulating playing of the national anthem in the theaters.

"Singapore plays it's national anthem every midnight. Likewise do so on DD (public broadcaster Doordarshan). Do not force or test my patriotism at various random places," he has said in the tweet.

He also said "the reason Singapore crops up in arguments is because it is a benevolent dictatorship according to some critics. Do we we want that. No pls," the actor added.

The Supreme Court had also observed that it cannot be assumed that if a person does not stand up for national anthem, then he is "less patriotic".

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