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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:12 AM IST

Congress is cash-strapped, but Tharoor has an idea

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Shashi Tharoor Fund shortage affected Congress campaign suffered in several places including the north eastern states.

Shashi Tharoor has a piece of advice for the grand old party of India.

Responding to a report in a major business website, the Congress leader said that the party, facing an immense cash crunch, must heartily resort to crowd-funding to offset the crunch that has put the party way behind its political rival.

He said this will help offer a stiff resistance to the 'money bags' of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

The Congress party was reported as seriously cash-strapped by the website which said it was struggling to make allowances for serving tea in party offices and flying their leaders to different places.

The report also stated that the Congress was forced to rely on crowd funding to see a candidate through with dwindling donations and its campaign suffered in several places including the north eastern states.

According to sources quoted by the business website, the donations, especially corportae donations to rival BJP had risen by a whopping 81% while that of the Congress fell by 14%.

Congress' social media head Divya Spandana was quoted saying that the electoral bonds were not helping either.

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