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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:02 PM IST

Samir Thariyan, Varun Mammen take over as full-time directors of MRF

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Samir Thariyan, Varun Mammen take over as full-time directors of MRF Samir Thariyan Mappillai and Varun Mammen

Chennai: Madras Rubber Factory (MRF) Limited's marketing general manager Samir Thariyan Mappillai and manufacturing general manager Varun Mammen have taken over as full-time directors of the company.

Samir, who has been working with MRF for the past eight years, completed BA (Hons. Economics) from St. Stephen's College, Delhi, and did his post-graduation from Madras University. He did his MBA from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA.

Samir is the grandson of MRF founder K. M. Mammen Mappillai and son of the company's current chairman and managing director K.M. Mammen.

Varun, who joined MRF seven years ago, is a chemical engineering graduate from the University of Madras. He did his post-graduation from Manchester University in Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, and MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Varun is the grandson of MRF founder K. M. Mammen Mappillai and son of the late Ravi Mammen, former managing director of MRF.

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