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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 02:44 AM IST

Actor-vlogger Lakshmi Menon taunts pseudo intellectuals, FB video goes viral

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Actor-vlogger Lakshmi Menon taunts pseudo intellectuals, FB video goes viral The sarcastic commentary goes on to describe all the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies that are characteristic of a so-called intellectual personality.

In times of heated debates over various social subjects, including gender parity, actor, YouTuber and vlogger Lakshmi Menon has come up with a video cross-sectioning affectationists and pseudo-intellectuals who try to win attention and prominence in society the wrong way.

She begins the video with the comment, "For men, it is easy to look like an intellectual - just grow long beard and hair and carry a cloth bag. But it's not that simple for a woman."

She further goes on to suggest ways and means to sport the look of an intellect. "How to look like a Buddhijeevi (intellect)," she says, "adorn a bindhi and fix a heavy ear ring as a nose stud, keep an unkempt hairdo on the top of the head. Those who don't have enough hair, can tonsure their head and beam a dialogue, 'all the women should shave their heads once in a lifetime, only then will you know the weight of the hair.'"

The sarcastic commentary goes on to describe all the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies that are characteristic of a so-called intellectual personality.

Seemingly targeting certain film personalities who recently came to the lime light the fast-paced and quirky video has gone viral on social media.

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