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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 06:53 PM IST

'Sachin: A Billion Dreams': Audience review

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'Sachin: A Billion Dreams'

It is nothing less than a deluge of nostalgia and fond memories when you get to see the best moments from master blaster's career on big screen. Grab a napkin and get ready to ride the wave of emotions when 'Sachin: A Billion Dreams', the biopic of master batsman Sachin Tendulkar hits theaters across the country today.

James Erskine's direction and A.R. Rahman music give major hopes to the millions, who thronged theaters for the first day-first show.

The script by director James Erskine and Sivakumar Ananth includes landmark moments from Sachin's career and personal life. Original footages from Sachin’s major cricket matches are also included in the movie.

The big opening received the grandeur response it deserved at most theaters. At some places, there were even standing ovations and cheering when the show began.

And some tears too.

Some found the treatment is more or less like a documentary than a biopic.

And some defended it.

Even Big B couldn't hide his excitement after watching the premiere.

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