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Last Updated Saturday December 12 2020 02:18 AM IST

‘The Arrival of Conrado Sierra’- Love through letters

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‘The Arrival of Conrado Sierra’- Love through letters A still from the movie

Director: Rene Pereyra

Language: Spanish

Running time: 2 hours

Are you ready to live your life just the way you like to? The Arrival of Conrado Sierra, the first show of this season’s IFFK asks you the same.

Set in the 1940s Mexican town Torres Mochas, the ‘Virgin Josefitas’ and their mother are awaiting the arrival of an American, Conrado Sierra, who is expected to marry the youngest one in the family. A sense of excitement and anticipation spreads through the air.

But before we are introduced to Conrado, the director goes back to the past and unfolds the story of the five spinsters and their mother. The youngest of the family Ninfa, a girl with lots of passion, energy, and love for distant lands, is very different from the other four sisters. She dares to do what others couldn’t and falls in love with an American through letters. He too falls in love with her and the small dusty town she has familiarized him with through letters.

The film will leave an indelible impression on the people of 80s and 90s, with stories of love long lost, and of love that stayed in letters forever. Did we forget to express love through words? I wonder.

The-Arrival-of-Conrado-Sierra-1 The film will leave an indelible impression on the people of 80s and 90s

You can see Ninfa patiently waiting for the postman just to receive a letter from the mysterious man whom she has never seen. Through their letters, the director narrates the fateful love stories of every sister in the family and the reason why they are called ‘Virgin Josefitas’.

The Arrival of Conrado also underlines that human emotions are the same all over the world and it’s no different from what we experience in our day to day life. It’s just the landscape or the town or the culture that changes. The life is just the same everywhere - with a mixture of happiness, sorrow, luck and tragedies.

And here comes the big day, the arrival of Conrado Sierra. Ninfa is finally going to meet her lover from letters. The anticipation comes to an end and the whole family celebrates Conrado’s arrival. But is Ninfa’s mother happy with her choice? If not, is Ninfa ready to come out of her mother’s regime? Is Ninfa going to live her dreams of love and freedom? And if she makes it, what about her sisters?

‘The Arrival of Conrado Sierra’- Love through letters The film will definitely keep you on toes and is not going to disappoint you

The film will definitely keep you on toes and is not going to disappoint you. Ninfa represents all the girls out there with dreams and hopes to see a better world - the one who want to come out of their comfortable space and explore the world out there.

And as Conrado asks, why do we feel lonely even if you are surrounded by many? Time to think!

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