The pygmy baby hippo, an inmate at Khao Kheow Open Zoo, near Pattaya, has millions of fans worldwide.
Authorities said that South Africa is one country they are considering to procure the animals.
The zoo safari will be established on a 250-acre plot of plantation corporation land along the Taliparamba-Alakode state highway.
Darters with their pointed bills and shiny bodies had made Trivandrum zoo their favoured nesting sanctuary for years.
The tiger has sustained injuries on its nose possibly during the capture or territorial fight with another tiger.
The procedures to bring the animals are in the final stage, said an official.
The monkeys were brought here in exchange for two Hyaenas.
Revenue Minister K Rajan said the Central Zoo Authority has given permission to move a total of 479 birds and animals – 117 birds, 279 mammals and 43 reptiles – to the zoological park.
After being informed about the presence of the animal, the zoo staffers came and caught the female primate using a net.
The naming of the lions – a five-year-old male and six-year-old female- was done by Minister J Chinchurani.