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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:47 PM IST

Senior citizens take the soccer field and prove a point

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These senior citizens pass on their love for football to the younger lot

Mancheri: Age is just a number for these septuagenarians when they enter the ground to play the beautiful game. They make swift passes, score  amazing goals and celebrate their successes as any youth on the football field does. Excitement knew no bounds for the football enthusiasts in the village of Perimbalam, as they cheered during a football match organised by the Seithalikutty Memorial Charitable Trust for senior citizens. It was not an ordinary match where the winners would take home a magnificent trophy; instead it was just a generation trying to pass on their unfaltering love for the game to the next generations. The youngsters in the gallery were thrilled to watch their grandfathers make a push pass or try a header with élan. Each team had 10 members. It was difficult for these old people to run and chase the ball and a few lost their balance and fell down, but it didn’t hamper their spirit as the team-mates were seen helping each other.

Abdul Majeed and Beerankutty safeguarded their respective goal posts. Players N K Hamsa, V K Muhammed Haji, T K Hamsa, Ashrafali Karikkutty, K Muhammedali and Kanjayamu were in top form. Almost 20 senior citizens, who were also part of the many club matches which took place at different parts of the district, participated in the football match. The charitable trust, which organised the match as part of their social service activities, also conducts regular classes to spread awareness about organic farming and gives financial aid for constructing homes for the homeless and the poor, says Hamsa, a retired teacher who is the secretary of the trust.

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