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Last Updated Sunday December 13 2020 04:32 AM IST

'Warehoused' review: a call to action

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'Warehoused' review: a call to action A still from the movie

Director: Jack Zagha Kababie

Language: Spanish

Intentionally absurd and strangely quirky, Jack Zagha’s Warehoused deals with a simple, yet profound story on duty and time with just one central action – waiting.

Lino, a warehouse supervisor, is girding up his loins in view of his impending retirement after 39 years of service. His replacement, Nin, is a snotty young man with a nonchalant attitude.

With just five more days left to retire, Lino is busy showing the ropes to newly inducted Nin. From dress code to punching rules to cross-docking of merchandise, Lino teaches him everything. But soon, the rookie realizes that nothing ever happens at the warehouse.

The duo is forced to whittle away their work hours anticipating the arrival of a truck, which never comes. Although their job entails doing nothing, the old man takes it so seriously and stays on his toes. The young man, although puzzled by his employer’s annoying ways, stays relaxed as he knows the warehouse is never going to be a happening work place.

Zagha looks upon time as a dreaded barrier; a test on the characters’ ability to endure. Time loses meaning as Lino and Nin are seen repeating the same things from Monday to Friday.

Although different from each other, the two men bond in the silence of the warehouse. The conversations between the duo are marked by dry humor and wit.


The ticking clock in the backdrop adds to the narrative tension even though the duo enjoys the luxury of time.

Lino and Nin are the two generations of work force – the earnest, assiduous old chaps and the happy-go-lucky youngsters.


Surprisingly, what lurks below the otherwise unsentimental plot is an emotional chord that touches the audience in a very abstract manner and that's what makes Warehoused a worthwhile watch.

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