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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 10:40 AM IST

Actress attack: Innocent does a Kilukkam Kittunni on Dileep, says he is shocked

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Dileep’s involvement in the conspiracy is shocking: Innocent Innocent

Thrissur: In a total reversal of his stated stance, actor-politician Innocent has expressed shock at Dileep's reported involvement in the actress attack case of February 17.

Innocent, president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA), said the members of the association viewed the conspiracy with utmost seriousness.

Stating that a 'sister' had been targeted, he said, “Whoever is involved in this heinous act should be severely punished.”

AMMA had consistently rallied behind Dileep throughout the probe and had drawn flak from the media and the public for not taking solid steps to alleviate the pain of the victim. Innocent had said that he had asked Dileep whether he was involved in the attack. He told mediapersons that the question elicited an answer in the negative and hence Dileep was innocent.

“AMMA decided to cancel Dileep’s membership after the police revealed his involvement in the case. The association cannot accommodate someone who has been accused in such a case,” Innocent wrote.

He could not attend the association’s meeting because he was in a hospital. He said he was in touch with the other members of the association over phone.

Innocent also sought to clear the air on the association’s previous stand. “The AMMA’s earlier stand had come under fire. We had our limitations to take extreme measures in the absence of any details about the conspiracy or a police confirmation. But that does not mean that the AMMA was backing anyone. Can anyone stand by the criminal in such a situation? We have been offering all support to our sister since the day she was attacked,” he said.

“The AMMA took a unanimous decision as soon as Dileep’s role in the conspiracy was brought to light. The AMMA once again declares its support to our sister who has been going through great mental agony. We also convey our thanks to the vigilance showed by the Kerala police, government and the chief minister,” Innocent added.

Read more: Latest Kerala news | Statements and contradictions: how Dileep chased himself into the snare

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