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The CPM-led LDF lost power in the panchayat following the cross-voting. Opposition UDF sponsored the no-confidence meeting on Wednesday.
The highest number of complaints was received in Malappuram; 2,840 followed by Thiruvananthapuram 2002.
The ropeway was installed eight feet above the water level, considering the possibility of floods.
With the LDF holding a majority of 17 members in the District Panchayat, compared to the UDF’s 7 members, Rathnakumari’s win was assured.
These funds are for all the 14 eligible district panchayats, 152 block panchayats and 941 gram panchayats.
P P Divya's name did the rounds during the Lok Sabha election as a potential candidate either in Kasaragod or Kannur.
This was the first time anyone had successfully undertaken carrot farming in the Venmony panchayat.
Permission is required only if the wall or fence is constructed close to a public road, public place or a public water body.
Kozhikode district collector ordered to demolish the illegal constructions at the resort in August.
The fee hike, which applied to building construction applications and layout approvals, was introduced on April 10, 2023.
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